The raison d’être and purpose of this department is to drive, structure, formalise and give continuity to the training process of those who form part of “Estudio”, as part of the commitment to keep the Institution at the forefront of Education. Their work is conducted in accordance with a general approach that considers the following elements essential:
- Being up-to-date with the latest educational trends.
- Promoting teamwork.
- Promoting reflection and analysis to decide which new trends should be incorporated and how to do this keeping in line with our educational model.
- Generating enthusiasm amongst the teaching staff.
- Ensuring that training is rigorous and effective, so that the effort is reflected in the students and the correct operating of the School.
- Respecting different individualities within a common approach.
From this starting point, training is orientated towards work that, on the one hand, allows the teachers to find out about new educational trends and on the other, enables the acquisition of the necessary tools for the teachers to weigh up different options, incorporate these into their teaching work with selective judgement and effectively create their own work material.