The Guidance Department is an essential element to adequately cater for the diversity of the students. The main purpose is psychoeducational guidance and help in the teaching-learning process.
In “Estudio”, this department is made up several professional psychologists in constant training whose work starts when the child first attends the school and continues until the end of their schooling at the centre in a coordinated manner, taking into account the educational aspects at all times, helping them to trust in their possibilities and enjoy their education.
Each of the department’s psychologists is in charge of advising the teaching staff, families and students, carrying out individualised monitoring in each of the sections into which the school is organised. Throughout their Primary Education, students that require an extra hand, can attend reading, writing and maths support classes within school hours.
At the end of Secondary Education, a professional guidance process is carried out to facilitate the students’ choice amongst the different itineraries that will allow them to develop their academic future.
Upon agreement with the respective families, if the student’s progress is not meeting expectations for their age, psychoeducational studies are conducted in order to determine the difficulties that are preventing the student from reaching full potential.
All these actions, plus the continous presence at Assessment Meetings in all courses allows a close monitoring of all students.