- 1940-1950 saw the difficult starting up the School, first in a rented “chalet” in Madrid and soon after it expanded to a second. First public performances of the Auto de Navidad, Historia del Romancero and official recognition in 1946.
- 1950-1970, Miguel Ángel phase, the school changed premises, settling into the building on loan from the International Institute of Boston, located at no. 8 Calle Miguel Ángel in Madrid. This period marked the consolidation of “Estudio”. A magnificent, decisive period for its striking personality: Students’ Association, athenaeums, Auto de Navidad, an increase in school trips, basketball, hafices.
- 1970-1990, the great challenge, the school built its own premises in Aravaca, the work of architect Fernando Higueras, on a plot of land that borders with the wall of the Monte del Pardo and is very close to the gardens of the Zarzuela Palace. Its educational project continued, including a renovation of the primary school stage from 1980.
- 1990 to the present. We faced a new challenge, the creation of the Estudio Foundation, the extension and adaptation of sports facilities, classrooms, etc., and this time without the founders who had been the life and soul of the School.
- September 2010. The Estudio Foundation culminated the absorption of the “Estudio” School, meaning the activity thereof had now been directly integrated into the Foundation that would manage and coordinate it.